
Loving our neighbour through advocacy

04 January 2024

Why do we engage in policy discussions, as Christians? Politics is messy; it can be complex and sometimes dysfunctional, and sometimes it seems so hard to make a difference. 

But what the law says matters. Laws and policies affect how people are treated, what options they have or don’t have, who is protected, who is helped.  

When the Canada Summer Jobs program screens employers based on their beliefs, real ministries and organizations are excluded. Youth who would have been hired don’t get those jobs. Families and communities are affected when low-cost camps can’t care for as many children. Much-needed community programs suffer. 

When the prostitution law makes it illegal to buy sex or exploit others as a pimp, but makes those who are prostituted exempt from criminal charges, it protects the people who are most vulnerable in the situation. Prostitution is inherently exploitive. Canadians don’t enter prostitution out of an abundance of good options – they tend to have limited, or constrained choices. Those in prostitution tend to be younger, lower income, have a history of abuse, of time spent in foster care, among other vulnerabilities.  

When the law allows doctors to end the lives of people with disabilities who aren’t dying, or who are struggling with mental illness, it communicates that these lives aren’t worth living - particularly when eligibility for death is offered in the absence of support to live.  

Our hope is to bring biblical principles to these policy conversations. The gospel narrative sets out the value, worth and dignity of each human person.  

Advocating for good laws is one of the ways that we love our neighbour. Will you join us this year in praying and advocating for good laws and policies?