
Take action



Prayer is essential to any effective action. Each week at we rotate through a prayer request from each of these five areas:
  • Sanctity of Life
  • Care for the Vulnerable
  • Church and Mission
  • Family and Community
  • Religious Freedom.
We also list an EFC affiliate group to pray for.

Latest Prayer Requests: April 23, 2024          

This Week’s Prayer Prompts    

This week’s prayer request is about education. Pray for parents, who have primary responsibility for nurturing and educating children. The Bible tells us that we are responsible to teach our children about what God has done.  

Pray also for strength and wisdom in teachers in contemporary elementary and high school classrooms where students may have difficult home lives and may be challenging to teach, discipline and guide. Pray for the students in these classrooms, that they will have opportunities to grow to the fullness of their academic and social potential. Pray for wisdom for teachers in Christian universities, that they would instil in their students a Christian perspective as they learn about the world around them.

This week's EFC affiliate highlight focuses on our educational affiliates, including many different Canadian Christian universities and colleges. You can find the list of educational affiliates on our website. 

You can always find the week’s prayer prompts at   

Ongoing general prayer suggestions

Become involved

  • Offer practical, tangible help to people in need or in crisis
  • Raise awareness in your church and community
  • Learn more about a topic individually or as part of a church study group

Ask for change

  • Call, write or visit your MP. Remember to thank them for their service and let them know you’re praying for them. Find your MP’s contact information. Get great advice in our Engagement Kit.
  • Raise awareness of a topic. Share what you’re learning on social media

Featuring topics


Through no fault of their own, thousands of children and youth are in government care and in need of a permanent home and family. It’s...

Euthanasia & Assisted Suicide

Canada has legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide under certain circumstances. These practices deliberately and intentionally cause a person...


> Latest booklets for download: Action Kit (Feb. 2021). Study guideHow Porn Harms (rev. 2019). <Today’s mainstream pornography depicts...

Religious Freedom in Canada

Take Action 2022: Learn more and take action on Conscience Rights in your province.Religious freedom is critical to our quest to know and worship...